1. Boredom
If boredom is your biggest problem, then you are luckiest of them all. Other problems that may also exist but you probably do not need to worry about are lack of Pizza(had a super serious craving last week), lack of liquor(same as above), lack of friends (easily fixable),lack of help at home(wfh scenarios). I’m sure I may have missed a long list of things you may be craving- but whatever it is- stack it against people in lock down with abusive partners/parents, people with serious ailments, people in quarantine and away from home, people with daily income, people with serious allergies and limited stock ,doctors and medical staff who are most at risk, govt and leaders who have to take decisions that affect millions of people daily (not in a any priority).. So yeah- if boredom is your biggest issue- I’m sure you can handle that. Bored is better than COVID 19.
2. Crisis and Opportunity
The bigger the crisis, the bigger the opportunity.
In a flip view of the situation, this is an opportunity for you to do something good, to be richer, to be more calm or beautiful, to take a breather, to read a certain book, to work the perfect schedule to work from home(so that you can effectively wfh once this is over too), to go digital, to rule Social Media, to step away from Social Media and so on. Re-think your relationships. What can be done to make things better for all. Wherever you are-you have enough reason and opportunity to make something of it.
Because, the world doesn’t stand still ever so often.
“In prehistoric times, mankind often had only two choices in crisis situations: fight or flee. In modern times, humor offers us a third alternative; fight, flee — or laugh.” Robert Orben
3. Rethink
This is important. While we ration the food supplies and cannot go shopping for 100 beautiful things to buy, this is a great time to RE-think what do you really need and what you can do without.
What habits can you continue to help cause lesser damage to the environment?
When everyone is posting pictures about how earth is healing because rampant human movement and activity is slowed down- imagine if this were possible without lockdown. Re-think about your contribution to fast fashion, to all the things you like to collect but do no need. Where does all the waste you discard go? and while you like to buy things, who finally pays the price?
Re-think. Re-prioritize.
4. Stay SAFE.
Even INSIDE the house. Do things in moderation so you can be guaranteed safe. Brush your teeth twice or as many time as it takes to avoid dental visits.
Do NOT do 300 squats on Day 1 of that #28dayschallenge if you are not there yet. Do not do things to throw your back out. Do NOT eat food of questionable expiry date- no matter how expensive or beloved. Do NOT try untried herbal home remedies for stuff that doesn’t need to be treated right away.
Do NOT try mad chopping skills or learn to juggle knives. Do not try impossible yogic positions or acrobatics. In short: Do not break your face or hip or legs or upset your stomach or develop a rash.
DO NOT do any experiments that affect you in any way(except maybe an experimental haircut).
Remember- Hospitals don’t need the stupid right now. They are overwhelmed as it is. The GP visit that we take so much for granted and that usually can solve most of our issues, is brimming with the risk of getting/giving an infection right now. We should avoid any reason to put more pressure on people who take care of us and our boo-boos. That is the least we can do.
and finally…
5. Remember: One day this will end.
….and this too shall pass. When you feel uncertain and lost remember that- if not tomorrow or the week after or the month after. But one day it WILL end- just like all things that come- it WILL go. Take comfort in that certainty.
All you have to do is to see it through. If watching news causes anxiety- then don’t. If you don’t want to go around being “productive”- then don’t. Do what feels good as long as it does and then do something else. If you get worried about your financial situation- don’t panic because that just doesn’t help. Think of how long can you sustain as it and what small or big attempts you can do to make it work and hopefully make something good come out of it.
When you have to drive 200 miles in the night- remember that you don’t need to see the whole length of the road- just a few yards ahead will do.
But just like each journey leaves an impact on us forever, this is going to do so too. And another pandemic can hit us again too.
Keep what will be the learning from now that you want to keep with you, as tools to help make the next one better.